When you travel with us, we dedicate a percentage back to community. Simply because together we can help make this shared world a better place for everyone.

“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead”.
— Nelson Mandela, Father of Nation-South Africa

 Rains Down Africa believe to protect its stunning wildlife and people through Sustainable Tourism. In people, there is a good reason we don’t want to loose focus on our children; whether have both parents or orphans but through our own research findings, it articulates if a child needs ‘‘FACE’’ Care. Then, we strongly Support.

‘‘FACE’’ Care is our Children Program that deals with FOOD, ACCOMMODATION ,CLOTHING, EDUCATION.

As Rains Downers’ we believe the future belongs to Children, we should thrive now to do them Good hence the future world is Better and the generation after them, Best.

“Giving from your heart by giving a little of your support to make a difference to the life of someone else, you can start changing the world around you”.
— Marcson Adam Nnko, A brother- Naturalist, Rains Downer

Get in touch to find out more.